Honey Storage

  •  Honey should be kept in a closed container in a dry place at room temperature.
  • Liquid or comb honey may be kept in a deep freezer (below zero F.) for long term storage.
  • Do not refrigerate as it speeds granulation.
  • Spun or creamed honey may be kept at room temperature.  If it is too soft refrigerate it.
    Spun honey is a finely crystalized honey.

Honey Facts

Honeybees gather nectar for honey from hundreds of different flowers and each has its own distinctive flavor such as clover, buckwheat, basswood, cranberry, Russian olive, dandelion, knapweed, etc.  
        Honey is the only food on the planet that will not spoil or rot. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today also accept honey as a very effective medicine for all kinds of diseases without any side effects.  Today's science says that even though honey is sweet, if taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm diabetic patients. 

Composition of Honey

Glucose: 31.3 %,  Fructose 38%, Sucrose 1.5% Maltose 7.3%, other sugars 1.5%,   Water  17.2%, Acids .6%, Proteins .3%, Ash .2%, Miscellaneous 2.1%                  
Caloric value:   60 calories per tablespoon
                             "Honey", Walter  Gjomerac, 198

Dale's   Honey  Descriptions  &  Flavors

Dandelion -   A yellow honey with a delicious, tangy flavor.

Black Locust  - Clear white in color with the flavor of a “dry scotch”.

Russian Olive - A very light amber honey with a cinamony taste.

Raspberry -  A very light-amber honey  with a delicious, slightly fruity flavor.

Sumac - Light amber in color with an mild, spicy flavor.

Clover – Clear white in color, and a good flavor with a slight bite.

Vetch -  Water - white similar to clover with a mellow flavor, often mixed with clover.

Alsike Clover  -  A light-colored, often mixed white clover.

Basswood –A clear white-colored honey with a mild lemony flavor.

Blackberry- Reddish-brown or near-white honey with a slight, fruity-butterscotch flavor

Wildflower - This honey varys from very light amber with a light buttery flavor to a medium amber honey with a mellow butterscotch flavor.  Generally an “Unidentified-Floral-Source” honey.

Bergamot -   A light amber honey with an herbal flavor.

Purple Loosestrife - A light amber to amber honey with a “juicy-fruit” flavor.

Knapweed – A light amber honey with a light hazelnut flavor.

Blackberry - Reddish-brown or near-white honey with a slight fruity butterscotch flavor. 

Cranberry - An amber honey with a rich, fruity, carmelly flavor

Smartweed - A dark purplish honey with a delicious, fruity flavor.

Goldenrod - A amber colored honey with a rich, butterscotch flavor.

Aster - A very light amber honey with a light butterscotch flavor.

Buckwheat  - A  very dark amber honey  in color  with a “cooked-raisen” flavor.



Solution for Crystalized Honey
Honey is a natural product of honeybees, a supersaturated
solution of natural sugars. When left in a cool dark
place for a long time it will  "crystalize". 

  •  Loosen the lid and set the honey container in a pan of hot water hot water; turn off the heat and let it liquefy. Heat the honey to about 120F.  Overheating the honey will kill the healthy enzymes in the honey. 

  •  Avoid using the microwave as this will quickly over-heat the honey and melt plastic containers.