Marsdens Pure Honey
In 1963, Harold Risse became a part of the Marsden family and brought some beehive equipment for a 4-H project for my brother Dan and I. We started with 6 packages of bees and started them in those beehives. We must have extracted a couple hundred pounds of honey with a little hand cranked extractor. Soon we were selling honey at the end of the drive along with the sweetcorn and strawberries..
About a year later Dan got other ideas and gave up on the bees. So I took on the job of taking care of 7or 8 hives. By the next year I had 12 and the next 27 hives. They helped pay my way through high school and college with the help of some good tobacco harvests.
For the full story go to my Bee Journal page from my story in the Ameican Bee Journal .
Fifty eight years later I am still going to markets and selling local honey.

I move my bees around to pollinate orchards in the spring and garden crops for farmers and get a nice variety of honeys. Recent summer honey flows of dandelion, clover, sunflower, purple loosestrife, and wildflower honeys are available this fall of 2019. I expect to get some goldenrod, other wildflower honeys yet this fall.
I pack raw honey in glass jars, plastic squeese jars and honey bears. I also mix up some creamed (spun) honey and fresh comb honey is available in July and the rest of the season. Beeswax candles are poured in molds for the market as well. In winter I sell indoors about half the days that are available at the Dane County Farmer's Market.